Sumbit your manuscript

If you would like more information before submitting your manuscript for any of our services, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Alternatively, if you are ready to take the plunge and submit your manuscript for assessment, please follow the below instructions.

If you would like to work with us for mentoring/book coaching or editing please contact us directly so we can discuss your requirements and provide you with a tailored quote.

appraisals …

follow these steps …

  1. Prepare your Manuscript Package (see below)

  2. Review the Schedule of Fees and arrange payment

  3. Submit your Manuscript Package via email

Please NOTE…

Once we receive your manuscript and payment we will notify you via email and provide you with a receipt of payment — all payments are due prior to commencement of the appraisal process. General turnaround for all assessments is 6-8 weeks. Please note that we don’t return printed manuscripts. You will receive an electronic copy of your appraisal report via email. 

Manuscript Package

  1. Manuscript: Please make sure all pages are numbered, use a 12-point readable font, and 1.5 line-spacing. If printed it should be one-sided and unbound. If you are sending your manuscript via email it must be a Word file, all chapters must be in order and in the one document.

  2. Author Agreement: Please download the agreement, fill it in, sign it, and send it in with your submission. We cannot commence any service without a signed agreement.

  3. Synopsis: Please include a 1-page synopsis. If you need help writing a synopsis, please see our Writing a Synopsis blog.

  4. Cover letter: Please include a cover letter, similar to what you would submit to an agent or publisher. If you need help writing a cover letter, please see our Writing a Cover Letter blog.

  5. MAA cover letter: Please write a cover letter to The MAA about your reasons for seeking an appraisal, motivations for writing the manuscript, and what you hope to address — we will do our best to respond to queries within this letter (within reason).

Where do I send my manuscript package?


(Printing charges apply: AUD$0.11/page of printing + $11.00 admin fee).

See a breakdown of our fees

Conditions and disclaimers

The MAA does not publish manuscripts and cannot guarantee that an appraisal will secure you a publishing opportunity. It offers a commercial evaluation on content and advice as to how to get the manuscript to a standard that is acceptable to literary agents and publishers.

The MAA provides a minimum of four pages of written evaluation by an experienced industry professional, looking at areas such as: presentation, accompanying material, style, narrative flow, character development, tone, voice, plotting, target audience, general interest and commercial viability.

The author of the work must be at least 18 years of age, or have a parent or guardian’s written approval to submit the manuscript.

All manuscripts must be original works. They must be submitted by the author or authors or with the written permission of the author.

Privacy of the author will be respected and the names of appraisers used by MAA shall remain anonymous at all times to ensure their privacy (this is in order to remain objective as well as to protect the identity of freelancers, many of whom are still working full- or part-time in the industry).

While every care is taken to preserve the manuscript and associated submissions, no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage. It is strongly recommended that the author retain the original of all manuscripts and associated documents submitted.

Reports are not to be published without The MAA’s approval, and quotes and/or extracts must not be used out of context. A report may be sent to a publisher or literary agent in its entirety only, accompanying the version of the MS that was reviewed.

The MAA reserves the right to refuse an appraisal of a manuscript.

The manuscript appraisal report is just that: a report. Everything you will need will be found within the pages of the report. We will not mark-up the manuscripts in any way. We will, however, make page references for you so please ensure you retain a copy of the manuscript that you send us (ie without further edits) so you are able to refer back to this copy in relation to the appraisal report.