The publishing landscape has been undergoing a fascinating transformation for a number of years now, bringing with it a whole new range of publishing options available to authors. Where once there was only the traditional option to publish, now many options to publish exist. The first step to success in your publishing journey is to understand the different paths you can take towards publication.

If you've ever felt bewildered by the choices, we're here to shed some light on the different avenues of publishing. In this edition, we'll provide a brief overview of five prominent publishing models you should know about.

We will explore each publishing model in more depth in coming articles, starting with Traditional Publishing.

So, let’s get started…

  • Traditional Publishing: The Time-Honoured Route

First off, there’s the big guys: the Traditional Publishers, which are often seen as the gold standard in publishing. You might not know them as this, but these are the publishers you generally think about when you consider publishing. This model involves established publishing houses (both large and small) acquiring manuscripts and publishing books on behalf of the author. Traditional publishers typically handle editing, cover design, marketing, distribution, and other aspects of the publishing process. Authors submit their manuscripts to publishers, and if accepted, they may receive an advance payment and they’ll be paid a percentage in royalties based on book sales. 

  • Indie Self-Publishing: Empower Your Authorship

Then there’s the go-it-aloners: Indie Self-Publishers. Self-publishing allows authors to take full control of the publishing process. Authors can publish their books independently, either in print or digital formats, without involving a traditional publisher. The author oversees everything, from editing and cover design, to formatting, and onto marketing and distribution. Self-published authors retain full rights and receive a larger portion of the royalties. This path to publishing requires a little more research and know-how from the author.

  • Assisted Self-Publishing: A Helping Hand on the Path

Then there’s Assisted Self-Publishers: this is the model where a ‘publishing-type’ organisation steps in and supports the author with their inhouse expertise. They offer guidance through the self-publishing space for an upfront cost (and they may also take a small percentage of the royalties). However, the author should still retain all copyright and see the bulk of financial return through royalties. For authors who desire guidance without giving up creative control, assisted self-publishing is a compelling option.

  • Vanity Publishing: A Cautionary Tale

And while we are at it, we have to talk about the Vanity Press lot… Vanity publishing raises red flags for authors. This model involves authors paying a publisher to produce and distribute their books. Unlike self-publishing or hybrid publishing, vanity publishing typically lacks rigorous quality control and may not offer robust distribution or marketing support. Authors bear the financial risk and are responsible for all costs involved. Vanity publishers are identified by posing as traditional publishers and ‘offering’ publishing deals despite there being no care factor from the publisher about what they publish. They’re not upfront and transparent about who they are and what they’re really offering.

  • Hybrid Publishing: Where Tradition Meets Innovation

There’s a fifth mob emerging, a group who’ve rattled the publishing cage to come up with a new model of publishing, these guys are call the Hybrids. Innovative authors are making waves in the publishing world through hybrid publishing. Hybrid publishing merges elements of traditional and self-publishing. Authors collaborate with hybrid publishers who may share publishing costs. In return, authors enjoy higher royalty rates, while the publisher maintains selectivity akin to traditional houses. We'll discuss this exciting new model, highlighting the blend of traditional and self-publishing elements and the advantages it offers.

Finding the right path for you…

The publishing landscape is constantly evolving, and understanding these models is your first step to making informed decisions about your writing and publishing journey. Over the coming weeks, we'll take a deeper dive into each of these models, offering insights, tips, and expert advice to help you find your ideal path to publication.



‘So That happened’ by Tami Sussman


Author chat: Pj kelly, ‘The Good teacher’